
SENSOR, real-time sensors for chemical and microbiological contaminations

The main goal of the SENSOR project is to develop innovative sensors and highly sensitive multi-sensor platforms for real-time monitoring of chemical and microbiological contaminants in air and water.

A fluorescence sensor for organic matter in drinking water

La!DOM was involved in the SENSOR project thanks to its expertise in the use of fluorescence to study organic matter in natural waters.

La!DOM contributes to the SENSOR project developing a new, cheap fluorescence sensor capable of quickly and accurately measure both protein-like and humic-like fluorescence due to the presence of organic matter in drinking water. The sensor was fine-tuned in collaboration with Dielectrik (Daniel Desideri e Marco Bartalucci) and with the help of Dr. Bruno Tiribilli (CNR-ISC) and Dr. Massimo Vassalli (University of Glasgow).

The kickoff meeting of the project with Daniel, Bruno and Marco

The phases of the project

An example of the fluorescence emission excitation matrix of a drinking water sample

Fluorescence as an indicator of organic contamination

In the first phase of the project, we defined the characteristics of the sensor, thanks to the study of the literature and to measurements of drinking water taken from the taps of a rather large area of ​​Tuscany that goes from Empoli to Pisa and Livorno. Fluorescence and dissolved organic carbon concentration were measured on all samples.

A moment of the development of the sensor prototype with Dielectrik

First prototype of the sensor for the fluorescence of drinking water

We created the first prototype of the sensor by defining its characteristics and its sensitivity on the basis of the first analyzes of drinking water, which indicated that the fluorescence of drinking water varies considerably between the various areas of Tuscany.

A moment of the development of the sensor prototype with Dielectrik

Giovanni measures the fluorescence of the drinking water samples. with our FLUOROMAX4

Sampling and measurements of water taken from Acque s.p.a. plants

Thanks to an excellent collaboration with Acque spa, in March 2020 it was possible to carry out two sampling campaigns at the plants in Empoli, Pisa, Valdelsa and Lucca. Both raw water samples (i.e. the water entering the plants) and final water (i.e. the water that is introduced into the water network) were taken. On all the samples we carried out measurements of fluorescence both in the lab and with the sensor. The concentration of DOM was also measured.

Unfortunately, the sampling and analysis work had to stop due to the COVID19 emergency and the consequent lockdown.

A moment of the sampling in Empoli with Francesca and Giuliana (ARCHA)

Second measurement campaign with Archa laboratories

In October 2020, we carried out a third measurement campaign at the Acque spa water treatment plants. The samplings were carried out together with the Archa laboratories (Pisa), coordinators of the SENSOR Project. On all samples, in addition to tests with the sensor and DOM measurements, analyses of heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, bacterial load and other parameters related to water putification were carried out. Data processing is in progress, while sampling has been suspended again due to COVID19.

A moment of the sampling in Empoli with Francesca and Giuliana (ARCHA)

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